Monday, September 28, 2009

Upcoming in Hairy Maine

This is an annual, month-long moustache growing event. It's known for its "celebration of the moustache," AND it's amazing amount of charity work. Go to this link to learn more! I'm hoping to see a Maine chapter this November. Possible team name: Moose Stache? :)

Growing beards for charity AND for warmth. This is focussed more on beards and only in the months of January and February (hence the -uary suffix). I think it's definately something Mainers can handle, since beards are great scarves and charity is always good.

  • Facial Features
I have upcoming interviews/portraits with a current teacher of mine and a wonderful man named Joe who I met at the Common Grounds Fair in UNITY, ME last weekend. There will be more interviews to fit in between but these are going to be more features. 

  • The official launch of Hairy Maine
Eventually I will make this beardy blog available to the public of Maine hopefully through the Free Press at USM. Cross fingers. (USM Free Press)

  • First Friday Art Walk (Oct 2, 2009) Downtown Portland, Arts District
Bringing the camera. I saw a ton of beards last time and I am expecting to hit the streets for some short interviews and snapshots. Expect Beard Shorts next week. 

(missed connections) #1

legs, hands, and a beard
posted 9.28.09
unknown ?4?

I am going to start listing missed connections including anything about beards. This is number one!! Maybe you'll find that you were fancied?

I love craigslist. 

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Common Grounds Fair: Unity, ME

Just got back from my first time north of Portland. Headed to Unity for the MOFGA Common Grounds Fair last night really late, stargazed with some friends and wine, camped out in a tent and woke up with frost on my sleeping bag. Looked outside and there was frost EVERYWHERE! Grass, tents, the wine bottle, cars, etc... I wished I had packed more layers and was a bit disappointed by the quickness of the chill.

But-I got coffee and oatmeal and the sun came up and the frost melted and I had a blast. I met a lot of great people and "beard-watched" the whole day. One word to sum up the facial hair at this fair: OVERWHELMING. I was flustered with the length, fullness, and commonness of the beard. Some photos include the MUSTACHE RIDE that I ran into on my way back from the tent (above), Morgan trying out a "sheared beard," and beardy men waltzing at the final dance of the night at the Fiddle Camp. (I suggest clicking on them for a larger view!)

I met a great guy named Joe who is going to be a fantastic feature a bit later in the fall. Look forward to the "I Know Joe" post!

I'm off to bed in my sleeping bag WITHOUT the frost :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Ultimate Scarf

We're transitioning from Septembeard to Octobeard here in Maine. The leaves are falling and the temperatures drop farther each night. Winter is only a month or so away! Now, I know the first frost may scare you. You may think, "Oh no! I should have prepared more for this chilly air!" I know. I understand. And you're not alone. So men (if you really want to be a MAN), don't be left in the cold this winter. YOU CAN PREVENT IT.

Grow yourself a big, thick, cozy beard.

Germany hosts 25th anniversary B/M comp

So apparently there's a difference between the WORLD beard and mustache champs and the INTERNATIONAL WORLD bmc. The WBMC, which I attended in Anchorage, AK this May, is biannual. 

But the International World BMC is another competition held separately, conveniently on the first day of Oktoberfest, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the beginning of the beard club of Germany, created in 1984.  This year it was held in Gruendau, Germany on September 19th. You may have seen photos of it on the news this weekend. The overall winner of the World Beard and Moustache Champs in AK competed, so I'm assuming most overall winners attended as well.

There were 160 competitors in Germany and 17 categories of beards and mustaches. If you want to see photos follow this link:

Yahoo! Photos

That's all for now!
